I just spoke and never expecting a dialogue. The more I studied the Bible, this time, the more my heart hurt. I wanted to find my niche. For me, everything had to be complete and look perfect. Trust me, I met two of these types of clients. I am a leader with leadership abilities. Nurse Claire are few and far between but they do exist. gbwriter

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However, I never stayed away too long because I did not want God to be hurt. One in person and one on the phone. It was never anything like that.

#GBwriting – Ghada Barghash

I know he prayed for me when he met God. It takes a brain to do these things. Everything was going extremely well. Just a bit of my background. This was not protocol. Nobody ever questioned my choice because they knew this is something I could do and do well. What did I love to do? This is why I always got promoted, pretty quickly. They trust me and I do the same with them.

My clients were, and are, fantastic.

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All my life I was in and out of churches. Gbwtiter we least expect it… I started getting this unexplainable quench of thirst and hunger for the Word and a true relationship with God. When the day is over so is the proclamation, for some. Over time, I was able to plan and execute ideas to increase my business.

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I would tell him how much I love him, how much I miss him and how I wish he were here. I knew I did not want to stop working. Yes, that is what I do but I do it on steroids.

He was dying and he was praying for others? I am sort of exaggerating but not really. He never spoke back but it gave me great comfort to know he was listening.

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Here I was, driving down the road and balling my eyes out because this young woman accepted Christ as her Savior and Lord. I did gbwrriter want to go back into management. It is physical work and who decides that physical work is not as challenging as mental work? Not only does he want everyone to go to church on Easter gbrwiter wants all to go to church every Sunday. There was no bolt of lightning.


Each night and, still, to this day, I go in my room and talk to my father. He died a horrible, slow death.


In her email she explained, in a very authoritative manner, what she expected and what she was going to pay. My father passed aways in June I enjoy doing this. She emailed me offering me a job to clean her home. They feel they paid their dues to God. Nurse Claire that I could not accept the job and I told her what my price was. Yet, I know they will be treated with more respect, at the next house, than what you show.


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